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发布日期:2021-02-25  阅读次数:

Core Courses of Lecturing in English for International Students

I.Name of Specialty:

Electronic Information Engineering Technology

II. Core Courses

Serial Number Course Content
1 Basic Circuit 1. Characteristics and functions of electronic components such as resistors, capacitors and inductors;2. Basic knowledge of simple DC circuit analysis, sinusoidal AC circuit analysis and three-phase AC circuit analysis.
Analog Circuit
1. Principle analysis and performance test of basic semiconductor components;2. Analysis and test of basic amplifying circuit;3. Analysis and test of negative feedback amplifier circuit;4. Analysis and test of basic usage of integrated operational amplifier;5. Analysis, manufacture and debugging of audio power amplifier circuit.
3 digital circuit 1. Number system and code system;2. basics of logic algebra;3. Logic gate circuit;4. Analysis and design of combinational logic circuit;5. Commonly used medium-sized integrated circuits;6. Analysis and design of sequential logic circuit.
4 Single Chip Microcomputer Application Technology 1. The basic concepts and grammar rules of the C language programming;2. Data types, structured programming methods, arrays and functions of the C language;3. The application of three basic program structures of the C language;4. Keil C development environment and the use of PROTEUS simulation software;5. Structure and working principle of MCS-51 single chip microcomputer;6. The application of parallel I/O interface of Single chip microcomputer MCU;7. Interruption principle and application of MCS-51 single chip microcomputer;8. Application of key recognition and digital tube display.
5 PCB Design 1. the basic application of Altium Designer software;2. Design of circuit schematic diagram;3.PCB layout design;4.PCB design output.
6 FPGA Application 1. Overview of programmable logic devices;2. Usage of Quartus II and ModelSIM;3. Basic grammar knowledge of Verilog HDL;4. Compilation of test platform Testbench;5. The application of Macro function module LPM;6. Project design of combinational logic circuit and sequential circuit.
7 Embedded Measurement and Control Product Design. 1. Basics of STM32;2. Principle of typical measuring circuit;3. Control of typical actuators;4. Design of STM32-based simple measurement and control system
8 Design and Production of Electronic Products
1. Scheme of electronic product design;2. Analysis and design of typical unit circuits;3. Usage of Multisim simulation software;4.PCB design rules and PCB design;5. Application and programming of Single-Chip Microcomputer;6. Preparation of design documents.
9 Application of Virtual Instrument Technology 1. basic concepts of virtual instruments;2. Basics of data collection;3. Introduction toNI hardware products;4. LabVIEW software programming environment;5. Basic data types;6. Basic procedural structure;7. Debugging methods and skills;8. Effective data expression and file preservation;9. virtual instrument-based Measurement and control products;10. System design and debugging methods.
Electronic technology training.
1. Identification of common components;2. Usage of common components;3. Usage of common welding tools;4. Welding of circuit boards;5. Assembly and debugging of circuit boards.
Comprehensive Application of Electronic Technology.
1. circuit schematic diagram and PCB design;2. Software rules and design;3. Circuit board Assembling4. Circuit debugging;5. Document writing.